
Davies presses for more EU rules to save money

Chris Davies MEP

Chris Davies MEP

Tameside Liberal Democrat MEP Chris Davies is calling for an EU law to be toughened up to help cut energy use and save money. 

He  told the European Parliament’s environment committee today that the EU’s 2009 Eco-Design Directive was forcing manufacturers to introduce more efficient electrical devices.

The law sets new standards for a growing range of products, and bans the sale of equipment that does not comply.

Chris said: “EU rules come in for plenty of criticism but this one is driving forward industrial innovation, promoting more efficient design and saving people money.”

The improvements being promoted by the law are expected to reduce EU electricity use by as much as is generated by more than 60 coal power stations.

Craig Whittall

I am a part-time PhD student in Durham (political theory) and work for a campaigning organsation that provides local Lib Dem campaigners with the tools they need to better serve their local communities.

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